Saturday, March 9, 2013

Finally Had Some Fun

Yesterday was kind of cool because Kerby and my friend came over and she gave me my late birthday present.

She knows me so well. Starbucks tea, a mug, a necklace, some nail polish, and kitty socks :)
All so usable.

Then we went to my absolute favorite pizza place.

Stark Street Pizza Co. has this crackery, thin, bubble crust which makes a layer of chewy crust above it, then topped with sweet, non chunky sauce, which is my favorite. Something about individual size pizzas get me excited, especially because I can choose my toppings, which of course it extra cheese with lots of black olives (no one else I knows likes this, but this has been my fav forever).

Last, we circled around downtown for a parking spot to get an ice cream.

We went to Ben and Jerry's and I choose Phish Food. The chocolate was decadent, but there were way too many dark chocolate fishes which were not very good (since they were dark chocolate, they tasted like bitter nothingness when paired with cold ice cream). Plus there was only that one bit of marshmallow in the whole giant scoop! (Yes, that is considered ONE scoop).

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