Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gotta Love Sundays

Along with Sunday is the feeling of having to prepare for the week looming over head.
On the bright side, I went out for a fun lunch with my mom and sister.
I was craving some crispy shoestring fries today, and I got my wish. Along with a plain, old, sweet corndog.
After, reality set in that I had homework to do, so I was reading The Other Wes Moore all evening for my Sustainability class. It is a pretty interesting book as it is about people and I like studying sociology more than sustainability, however I would have rather been surfing the internet or watching a movie. Plus I have to meet with an academic advisor in the morning and have no idea what I am going to say.

Last, through procrastination and going through my phone picture to delete some to make more space, I stumbled across a cute picture.
This is my sister's cat Howie. He is quite a funny little ball of energy, which is the complete opposite with my cat at home who is curled up on my lap. Anyway, since he never sits still, and is black, he is very hard to get a picture of him that is not just a dark blurry blob. I enjoy that when I sleep at my sister's house, where I cannot bring my cat, he sleeps with me, however it is not fun to wake up to an attacker at the foot of the bed after any sudden movement.  

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