Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Statistics Final Day

So my final exam for statistics was rough, but hey, I am done! I am itching to see how I did.
Anyway I did get some yummy food today.
For lunch, my dad took me to Arby's. Gotta love their value menu.

This used to be my favorites fast food, but after not eating fast food much lately, I realize how not great it is... Oh well.
 I also gave my little bud Gino a bath today.

Then, I told my mom I wanted to go to my favorite bakery. Delphina's is the only place around that I know of to find a plain/cream scone. They are almost always sold out, but today they have one left!
I wish I could find more places that carry something like them, like a grocery store or somewhere closer. I have tried making them but it is so hard.

Plus, yesterday at the dollar store my sister spotted these and had to get these.
They are the Jelly Belly factory mistakes, also called Belly Flops. We love to have her give me the flavors and I close my eyes and guess.

Later, I was not feeling well when the rest of my family was shopping so I read in the car :(
But, on a bathroom break on Starbucks I decided to get a little something. I had only ever had their plain bagel that I didn't like, but I saw a multigrain one today.

The Starbucks multigrain bagel is amazing! There are lots of seeds, flax, and whatever other good stuff in there.

Once it was toasted and a dollop of cream cheese was applied, I gobbled it up. YUM!

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