Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sneaky Kitty Cat

My kitty was a sneaky boy the past two nights.
So two days ago, I walk into my room after not sleeping there the night before and I see this on the floor...
There were two slices of wheat bread in a plastic bag on the counter in my kitchen. My little Marty Moose dragged the bag into my room, and due to his lack of thumbs, he was not able to open the seal. So instead he absolutely annihilated the bag and had a little snack, meanwhile leaving little clusters of crumbs and small pieces of plastic all over my room.
But this was not all. There was a second bag.
This one he not only dragged across the house to my room, but also pulled up on to my bed. (The picture does not show the numerous punctures in the plastic.)

Then this morning, he decided to try a new flavor.
He cut into this Pumpkin Spice Clif bar, but this was not his flavor as only the icing was bitten off.

Man I wish I had a night camera.

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