Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blah, Saturday

So I woke up this morning just to have a really hard time getting out of bed because it is Saturday. It is probably crazy that in this day and age an 18-year old would not like the weekend. But, I don't like the weekend. I feel like I have nothing to get dressed for or even to get out of bed for. Yes, I love being lazy and watching movies all day, but I already get so much of that on weekdays (I really need to get a job.)

Well, after a mediocre bowl of oatmeal and a cup of yogurt for breakfast, I was ecstatic when my mom offered to go to Hot Lips Pizza for lunch with my sister and me. (I really wish I had the drive to go places on my own, but I don't have that yet.)
The plain cheese looked gorgeous behind the glass so I decided to get a slice. However, it was just okay. First of all, the sauce was very chunky and the tomato flavor was overkill. I like to taste my cheese and today, I definitely didn't. Second, they did not even give me a plate. They put it right on top of my mom's slice so the bottom had a green peppery taste. Eh.

Oh well. When I got back to my sister's place, (I normally stay the weekdays with her to carpool to school, and the weekends with my parents to sleep with my kitty) I was shocked by the aroma. There was a few half done pork tenderloins in the crockpot, slathered in barbecue sauce.

This made me hungry, so I opened the cupboard for a snack, and remembered I had a new granola I have not yet tried! Lately I have been buying all different kinds to appease my addiction.
Nature's Path Organic Peanut Butter Granola

When I poured my self a bowl, I was not surprised by the look of it as I have had other kinds of Nature's Path Granola before. There were traditional granola cereal ingredients like oats and crispy rice, but I was very intrigued by the actual peanut halves mixed in. These seemed like a bonus. However, once tasting the granola plain (I am a dry granola eater), it was not as delightful as it looked. I tasted the peanuts and they were very plain, not sweet, or salty, actually almost bitter. This would have been a great contrast if the granola was very sweet, however, the granola was kind of bland itself. It just had the flavor of a touch of sweetened peanut butter, which would have been not bad, if I wasn't in the mood for a healthy sweet treat. At the end of the bowl, I liked, but dad not love it, nonetheless it was an interesting change to the typical almond or hazelnut granolas.

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