Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Slump Day

It's the middle of the week, I am not too excited for my classes next term, and I really wish I had the courage to get a job.
For classes, I settled with Sustainability, Spanish, Philosophy, and Criminology/Criminal Justice. I wish I could have added a health class too but it was later in the day, it would cost more money, and that would really take out my wish for a job.

Anyways, I had to wake up early for registration to be sure I got what I wanted, so then I went back to bed for a little nap... Which ended up kind of long, so I had some another grab-and-go style breakfast.

(However, I have decided that I am going to post all of the things that I eat during the day in my day posts, but my reviews of snacks in other posts.)
This morning I choose yet another Lance Sandwich Crackers and a granola bar, but these two were both new to me.

First I devoured some Lance ToastChee Crackers with Real Peanut Butter.

Next, I needed a little sweet to calm the saltiness from the crackers and I ate a FiberPlus Antioxidants Chocolate Chip Chewy Bar, which ended up overcompensating the saltiness.

Last I went to a long day of class, even though two and a half hours is not long, today it felt like it. This was because during the walks I have to take before and in between my classes, it was pouring so it was a wet and cold day. When my sister, Kerby, and I got back, we just wanted to get in some comfy sweats, watch tv, and have a warm lunch (plus I had a cup of tea).
This picture doesn't look appetizing, but it was a waffle fries and Trader Joe's Macaroni and Cheese kind of day. Plus I got caught up on Dance Moms.

 Once I reenergized, Kerby wanted cookies, and I thought, why not bake? So I whipped up the easiest kind I know like the back of my hand.

Warm Russian Tea Cakes out of the oven are perfectly comforting on a rainy day.

After working on my online class all afternoon, while watching tv, the day just flew by. However, my grandma brought be a slice of pizza.

I love Pizzicato Cheese Pizza because it is plain and gooey, plus they swear to use only good and healthy ingredients, which is a plus in my book. (This picture does not do it justice though as I picked off some tomato chunks before remembering to take a pic...)

Now I am going to call it a night and watch the classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with some cookies.

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