Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy Thursday

Today was a working day but it was good for me. Since I am taking an online class, I have a lot of work to do on my own time and there are things due every Saturday and Sunday nights. Normally I put it off until Friday night and Saturday morning, because I do not have a life, so I can do that. However, Kerby (my sister) invited over our friend (was my friend, now is really hers) for tomorrow. So I decided to do my work yesterday and today and feel great to have it done.
However I just realized that there is a movie to watch and an essay to write due monday that I did not know about, so I am still going to have to do that on Saturday. But, oh well, it is almost spring break (not that I am going to do anything, I just sit at home on the computer).

Well, that was pretty much my day.
I had another breakfast in the car because I can't seem to get up at a decent time.
Today it was Lance Toasty Peanut Butter Crackers and a Market Pantry Chocolate Chewy Bar, but they were hard to eat due to a presentation I had in my Sustainability class. (Which ended terribly since I winged it).

After class, I was feeling lazy so I tossed some cheese between two corn tortillas and threw it in the toaster.
Not fancy, but it worked. Especially with all of my snacks I enjoyed including some pretzels.
Sticks are the only way to go.

After working on homework, I came back to my parents house for a bit to see my buddy.
I now shall introduce Marty Moose.
He is pretty dumb, clumsy, purrs louder than any cat I have ever heard, and is very loving. He took an extreme liking to me, but not really anyone else in the family unless they are eating oatmeal.
He is rather small but eats like a big dog.
Not just his own food though as here is what happens when you leave homemade oatmeal cookies on the counter...
But thats not all. One day he opened a factory sealed white chocolate granola bar and ate all of it but left the mini chocolate chips spread all over the floor.

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