Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Break Day 5

So sad that spring break is coming to an end. I am too anxious for next term and do not want to think about it.
So after oatmeal for breakfast I knew I wanted something different for lunch today.
My mom, sister, and grandma were going out so I tagged along. We went to one of our favorite hole in the wall Chinese food places downtown, but I was not in the mood for Chinese.

Mom pointed out the sandwiches so I went for a cream cheese and turkey sandwich on toasted sourdough. It was sooo yummy!

My sister got what we usually get, so I decided to snag a pic.
It is a teriyaki chicken bento with rice and broccoli. It is so sweet and a wonderful combo.

Afterward, we went to Delphina's bakery, yet again. I got the cream scone again :)

Next we decided that since we are halfway to Walmart, we might as well go there since it is far away and it is a special trip in our family. But on the way, we spotted a little Russian store that we had never seen, and taking after my mother, I begged to pull over.

It was like nothing I had seen before as there were all different cakes, pastries, warm meat dishes, and groceries. I didn't want to get a lot because I knew I would just eat it, so I picked a few.

First, I knew I needed some tea biscuits.
I decided to go with a condensed milk flavor because I thought it sounded unique. I ate a few this afternoon with tea and they were delightful. They were similar to a very airy version of a tangy shortbread.

Next, I saw these little guys that reminded me of pocky.
I have not tried them yet, but once I bought them, I found that the box said vanilla flavored sticks.

Finally, at the end of the day, my sister and I thought it would be fun to make something from scratch for dinner. So we made some chicken soup. We boiled and shredded chicken, and added it to the broth (we created out of chicken broth, chicken stock, water, and milk), celery, onions, carrots, and egg noodles I got at the Russian store. It smelled delightful

However, I do not care for chicken soup, so I went for a pack of microwave mac and cheese from Trader Joe's.


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