Monday, April 1, 2013

Ehh.. School...

After not falling asleep until two in the morning and rolling around half the night, waking up at 8 was not easy. Plus I was not looking forward to sitting in classes for 3 and a half hours either, so that made it even more difficult.
When I got to philosophy I was too tired to think, which I though was funny because philosophy is thinking about thinking... But so far it looks like it is going to be my most enjoyable class, which is awesome. (Plus it is always funny when a professor walks in on the first day, asks to be sure that he is in the right class by saying some really hard class and seeing people who have a mini freak out and fall for it.)

Spanish was just spanish. Same teacher. Some familiar faces. Lots of group work and awkwardness.

In between classes I did have a laugh. I was sitting on a bench, eating a granola bar, and trying to read but there was this girl on the bench over there.
She was making so many weird noises and it was odd and quite distracting.

Anyways, last I had criminal justice. As soon as the professor walked in, I knew I would hate it... and I soon found out that I did. So this afternoon, I dropped it like a hot potato and added art history. It will cover prehistoric to medieval times, so I think it should be cool.

After school I was riding downtown with my sister when we saw this.
It was a rag doll hung out of a window to look like a real person. We were like 'what the heck...'. But then we realized it was april fools day.

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