Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Midweek Fun...

Well, I started my art history class today and it was not too bad, it was slightly interesting. The problem is that the teacher moves so dang fast with so much information thrown at you at once. Oh well, all I can do is try. However, my philosophy class is pretty cool.

This afternoon I was feeling kind of "blah" again and I saw some overripe bananas on the counter. So of course I whipped up a banana bread. It was not pretty enough to take a picture.
For dinner, I was not in the mood for burgers with the rest of my family so I had a Chicken Rice-a-Roni and a chicken breast cut into pieces. Yum.

Afterwards, my mom showed up with some Lofthouse cookies as they were on sale from easter. I have not had these in years. They were doughy, floury, and too sweet, just like I remembered and still love.

I had to have one of each color of course :)

Oh and recently, the kitty at my sister's house has found his new favorite spot...
Howie is so funny. He licks absolutely everything. 

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