Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Terrible Morning

So Kerby and I get to the parking garage at school and find it full which means we have to be on the hunt for street parking. We found a spot but it was only an hour long which meant that it would only go until 10:50 even though we had class until 12:15. We decided that since I had a break in my classes from 10:50 to 11, I would move the car.
But, it did not go as planned... I was circling for parking until 11:40...
I was 45 minutes late to the first day of class! How does that reflect on me? I hate being late.

After class, I was not in a good mood so my sister said, let's stop for pizza. I was like 'Yeah!'.
It was a great idea, until I heated the slices up in the oven and slightly burned them (typically).

Last, to end the day I decided it was a cookie baking kind of day so I went for some oatmeal cookies. The scent definitely made me forget. Doesn't the smell of fresh baked cookies make everyone happy? :)

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