Thursday, April 11, 2013

Busy Busy

I have been really busy lately with the amount of school work I have this term. After I switched from Criminology to Art History, I switched again to Minorities (sociology). It is soooo much more my style, the problem is I had a lot of catching up to do.
Anyway, I went to lunch after school today at Laughing Planet.
Burrito, yum.
Love the warm, chewy tortilla
It was stuffed with huge pinto beans, rice, and gooey cheese. It was amazing!!!

Then home to read textbooks :(  
But I did have something interesting for dinner.
Annie's all stars pasta in tomato sauce blows spaghetti-o's away.

Plus some POCKY! I forgot how much I love these little guys. Oops forgot a picture.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Almost The End of a Long Week

This has been the longest week of my life. On the one hand I am glad it is Thursday because it is almost Friday, however, on the other it is not that great because I still have to get through tomorrow. I took a long nap this afternoon though so I am ready.
After school we went to a brew pub called Hopworks and I had a slice of pizza.
Their cheese pizza is the best because it has so much flavor within each part. They use several cheeses, garlic oil, very flavorful sauce, and a nice wheaty crust. They list where all of their ingredients are from to show how healthful they are so it is a plus.

After, since we were already across town, we decided to go to our favorite bakery, Delphina's, today.
I never ever get tired of their moist and buttery cream scones. 

Howie was cute again by the sink tonight :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Midweek Fun...

Well, I started my art history class today and it was not too bad, it was slightly interesting. The problem is that the teacher moves so dang fast with so much information thrown at you at once. Oh well, all I can do is try. However, my philosophy class is pretty cool.

This afternoon I was feeling kind of "blah" again and I saw some overripe bananas on the counter. So of course I whipped up a banana bread. It was not pretty enough to take a picture.
For dinner, I was not in the mood for burgers with the rest of my family so I had a Chicken Rice-a-Roni and a chicken breast cut into pieces. Yum.

Afterwards, my mom showed up with some Lofthouse cookies as they were on sale from easter. I have not had these in years. They were doughy, floury, and too sweet, just like I remembered and still love.

I had to have one of each color of course :)

Oh and recently, the kitty at my sister's house has found his new favorite spot...
Howie is so funny. He licks absolutely everything. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Terrible Morning

So Kerby and I get to the parking garage at school and find it full which means we have to be on the hunt for street parking. We found a spot but it was only an hour long which meant that it would only go until 10:50 even though we had class until 12:15. We decided that since I had a break in my classes from 10:50 to 11, I would move the car.
But, it did not go as planned... I was circling for parking until 11:40...
I was 45 minutes late to the first day of class! How does that reflect on me? I hate being late.

After class, I was not in a good mood so my sister said, let's stop for pizza. I was like 'Yeah!'.
It was a great idea, until I heated the slices up in the oven and slightly burned them (typically).

Last, to end the day I decided it was a cookie baking kind of day so I went for some oatmeal cookies. The scent definitely made me forget. Doesn't the smell of fresh baked cookies make everyone happy? :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ehh.. School...

After not falling asleep until two in the morning and rolling around half the night, waking up at 8 was not easy. Plus I was not looking forward to sitting in classes for 3 and a half hours either, so that made it even more difficult.
When I got to philosophy I was too tired to think, which I though was funny because philosophy is thinking about thinking... But so far it looks like it is going to be my most enjoyable class, which is awesome. (Plus it is always funny when a professor walks in on the first day, asks to be sure that he is in the right class by saying some really hard class and seeing people who have a mini freak out and fall for it.)

Spanish was just spanish. Same teacher. Some familiar faces. Lots of group work and awkwardness.

In between classes I did have a laugh. I was sitting on a bench, eating a granola bar, and trying to read but there was this girl on the bench over there.
She was making so many weird noises and it was odd and quite distracting.

Anyways, last I had criminal justice. As soon as the professor walked in, I knew I would hate it... and I soon found out that I did. So this afternoon, I dropped it like a hot potato and added art history. It will cover prehistoric to medieval times, so I think it should be cool.

After school I was riding downtown with my sister when we saw this.
It was a rag doll hung out of a window to look like a real person. We were like 'what the heck...'. But then we realized it was april fools day.