Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Grab and Go Breakfast Snacks

In the midst of week 9 out of 10 in this term, I am quite tired and ready for a break. So on a morning like this, I woke up rather late and had to grab a breakfast to eat in the car. However, I actually kind of enjoy this when I have good snacks in the house.
The first thing I had were Lance Toasty Real Peanut Butter and Crackers.

I can't even explain the obsession I have with these. I love that the cracker is buttery and flaky without being greasy. Also, the peanut butter is not chunky or creamy, it has a slight gritty texture which is different, but good. Plus, Lance says they use no preservatives (which I don't know exactly what this means, but it sounds good to me).

I reached into my big tub of granola bars for something a little sweet. Today I felt like a Clif Kid's Z Bar Iced Oatmeal Cookie.

When first opened, I can smell that inviting smell of oatmeal cookies. The bar is very sweet but has a nice spice zing like that of a real oatmeal cookie. The texture of the bar is chewy with a couple thin oats, plus there are a couple of white chocolate chips thrown in! Plus, there is a little decoration with the white icing stripes on top that makes it look more appetizing.

Last, I walked up to Gino just now when he was dead asleep, he looked absolutely hilarious. I said his name so he would perk up a little for a pic. :)

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