Tuesday, April 5, 2016

That's the Truth

I previously tried blogging (here in 2013) but I did not have the right frame of mind.
I have been suffering with an eating disorder for about 3.5 years. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder and general anxiety disorder in 2012. I was put on medication for my anxiety and experienced some improvement for awhile, but not much. I continue to take it for fear that if I stop I do not know how I would handle myself. Though I have come to understand that I have some sort of imbalances in my brain and I have done a lot of research on my disorders to understand what I have, they still control me.
My eating disorder is in flux. I have experienced fluctuations of restrictions in my eating habits and with that a rollercoaster of emotions. My mom is the only person in my life who I feel I can talk about anything to. Sometimes I feel bad for the amount of negative thoughts about myself that I bombard her with. She constantly says "if you died in a car wreck tomorrow, you would not be worried about having eaten a donut today. Heck have two, I dare you".
I finally had a break through when my mom and grandma took me to Las Vegas for my birthday. I do not drink alcohol or party, and I don't have any friends, therefore my trip was not expected to be that of a typical girl spending her 21st birthday in Vegas. I just love the idea of travel, revisiting the sights of the strip, shopping (window shopping that is), getting away from the monotony at home, and maybe try a little gambling. My grandma is getting stubborn, picky, and physically slow in her old age, and though I love her, I knew that the trip was going to be adjusted to fit her wants and needs.
The day before the trip I was TERRIFIED. The big issue was that I would not have access to my normally regimented eating schedule. I kept telling my mom and grandma my number one rule was NO BUFFETS. I said this was because they were for overweight, lazy people who cannot find a good restaurant, and the fact that there are so many options means they focus on quantity instead of the quality of specializing in one type of food, or heck, sticking to one continent.
The truth was that I know how my eating disorder began. All through childhood I never experienced the feeling of being full. With access to whatever foods I wanted, I looooved to snack and there was a path that I always went down. Eat a cinnamon donut, my favorite. Yum, but now I need some salty chips. Hmm, something sweet right about now would get rid of the lingering salty flavor, so how about some ice cream. A bit of rocky road, and a bit of cookie dough in a waffle cone will suffice. Man, now I feel sweeted out, so... time for some peanuts. This cycle went on all day from after breakfast to after dinner. Plus, when I had something I liked I did not just have a little. A double scoop at the ice cream shop was perfect, and when we went to pick up a dozen donut holes for a dollar, I would not share the bag with my sister, we would each get one and mine would be gone by the time we got back home. I was never more than just a little heavy for my size since throughout school I was in at least one activity, whether it was softball, dance, or volleyball. When I quit volleyball to finish high school a year early, after a few month of not having a routine activity made me feel strange. Before long I was hating the way I looked and felt, yet I felt to insecure to go out and do some sort of exercise or activity on my own (and I have zero friends to have join me). Therefore I started to watch exactly what I was eating. When normal people watch what they are eating they mean that they choose healthier options, but I do not like fruits, vegetables, and I have a pickiness when it comes to food textures. Therefore I still would eat the same types of not-so-good snacks and frozen foods, just a heck of a lot less. I stopped going out to lunch and dinner with my family, soon I wouldn't even join them for dinner since I wanted my restrictive frozen meal instead of what they were eating. I always made excuses and I spent a lot of time alone.
Anyways, the first day in Las Vegas, where does my grandma want to go? The old downtown Las Vegas for the buffet. So thats what we do. I was fuming inside but did not show it. I was mad because I knew I wouldn't control myself.... Well I decided to go for it and try all of the foods I used to eat as a kid and it was AMAZING. I couldn't remember the last time I had fresh BBQ pork buns, orange chicken, and sugar coated donut twists. I ate more in one sitting then I used to in a day and a half. For the moment I was happy and remembered that food can be enjoyed. The next three days were a repeat having gone to the buffet three more times. I was happy.... I couldn't remember the last time that word had come out of my mouth.
I cried on the plane ride home. I was coming back home, back to my last term at the university where I live with my parents and I have no friends. I knew my days were going to go back to the typical monotony of nothing to do, not being able to figure out how to find work, and sitting on the couch cross-stitching pictures of my pets all day. Feeling lazy, gross-looking, and useless.
It has now been a month and a half since my happiness trip (no I did not, and have never done drugs) and I wish I could experience some of those emotions at home. I have been going out to lunch and dinner a lot with my family like I used to as a kid. They were surprised to see me enjoying my old favorite places. I truly was, yet every single time, when I get back home I feel this painful sense of guilt and hatred for eating what I did or whatever for else and it just bundles up inside of me.
There are days of eating multiple meals out at restaurants, consuming much more than I should. And there are the days where I try to go back to my old restrictions only to not quite keep it at the limit, where I then feel just as bad. In any case, I can't just keep my feelings to myself. I hope that my attempts at revamping a blog may help my situation, and hey if anyone ever actually reads this that would be pretty cool too.
Anyways, I will definitely not always be this wordy.
Okay... bye.

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