Thursday, February 28, 2013

It was a Wonderful Day 1

Who new that the first real day of my new blogging aspiration would actually be kind of interesting. I had some bloggable snacks and went shopping :)

First of all, I began my day with a greek yogurt I had never tried before which I always get soooo excited when I have a new one.
It was Voskos Honey and Vanilla bean and when I opened it, there were actual little beans in there! Anyways, it was a little more honey flavor than I would of liked, but overall it was pretty good with a rich, thick texture.

After classes, and a quick lunch I threw together, I had to go pick up the new glasses I ordered for my birthday. I completely forgot what they looked like, so I was kind of nervous.
But then I remembered, how could I have gone wrong with Kate Spade on sale? The lower ones are the Lucyann, black, with cute, pink stripes on the inside. The top ones are tortoise shell Regine. Their pink case was even adorable with the lurking eyes on the inside.

While we were already out, my mom had to return some clothes to JC Penney, so we headed over to the mall. I had never been there but who knew they had such a good clearance section?!

I ended up with a skirt, tights, three shirts, five tank tops, jeans and this neat, simple black dress. Not a bad little shopping haul if you ask me, especially since everything was $10 or less!

After all of this, I had to dig into the cookie I got at the little store on campus.

Fairlight Bakery makes a delightful Vanilla Frosted Cookie with Rainbow Sprinkles. Not only is it pretty to look at. It tastes devine. The frosting is dry and crumbly, which may sound odd, but it is a complementary texture to the melt in your mouth cookie, and neither overpower each other. Trust me, it was big, and it was gone fast.

Now, I have to prepare for my Statistics, Spanish, and Sociology midterms tomorrow with a couple pieces of cheesy goodness for dinner.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Let's Get The Show Going

My story began I sat down with my bowl of animal crackers tonight, as I decided to begin trying one of these things. I am new to the blogging world and do not yet have a hang of how it is done. But I decided that it is something I need to do to better my life as I overcome social anxiety, depression and an eating disorder. Basically, all I do day in and day out is go to my college classes in the morning, and then slouch infront of the tv all afternoon. I don't really have any friends, just my dog and cats, and I don't want to be a lonely pet lady all my life.

Anyway, I think that having somewhere to post (even without readers) will encourage me to branch out and do a little more. I'm going to blog about whatever new, cool, rad, fun, or totally lame thing I do in a day, which may consist of snacks I eat, stuff I buy, and places I may go. I don't know, how about we just see where it all goes (and you will definitely see lots of pet pictures). So, altogether my posts may begin boring, but maybe we can figure out how to spice up my life.

Oh, before I forget, my blog title. Nail laquers has to do with the fact that my sister has the biggest nail polish collection I have ever witnessed, as well as perfect nails. I love nail polish, but I can't stop biting my stubby little nails so I can't paint them very well. I have decided to try my hardest to stop. On the other hand, the animal crackers has to do with, of course, one of my new favorite snacks. Since getting help with my eating disorder, I am on the hunt for any yummy snack I can find!

Now, I just reached the end of my bowl of animal crackers, so I am going to call this the end of a pretty good start. :)